Why Become an Employment Partner?
There is an untapped talent pipeline of about 19 million Americans with felony records.
Social Good Meets Good Business - Two out of three people released from prison return within three years without meaningful employment.
Recidivism for Minnesota’s 10,000 inmates costs taxpayers more than $50,000 per inmate each year.
The Second Chance Business Coalition found that 85% of HR and 81% of business leaders say that individuals with criminal records perform the same as or better than employees without criminal records.
Unemployment rates are currently low in the state of Minnesota.
Employers are struggling to fill open positions
Federal Tax Credit - The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal tax credit available to all private sector businesses as an incentive to employers to hire workers in certain groups who consistently experience high rates of unemployment. The tax credit allows employers to reduce their federal tax liability by up to $9,600 per new hire.
Fidelity Bonding is a no-cost employee dishonesty insurance that protects employers against theft of money or property. The Minnesota Federal Bonding Service provides individual Fidelity Bonds to employers for new or current employees who may be denied coverage by commercial bond carriers.
Our model, developed by former inmates, is a unique and collaborative approach, working with inmates, mentors, employers, nonprofits, and government agencies to build trust during incarceration that continues after release.
What is The Redemption Project Doing to Make Second Chance Hiring Succeed?
While still incarcerated inmates participate in our Virtues for Success Program.
Virtues for Success is a rigorous 16-week study of Wisdom, Courage, Self-control, and Justice throughout which inmates cultivate good character and integrity. A course for more than knowing what is right and what is wrong, Virtues for Success helps to guide inmates to asking and answering the “why” questions which, in turn, more successfully impacts their future behavior.
Our organization is dedicated to redeeming justice impacted individuals through Education (virtues, character, and integrity), Mentorship, (via individual mentors), Advocacy (connections with employment partners and other non-profit support partners), and Support( giving our Fellows the items they need to start a new life).
The Redemption Project (TRP) was formed to address a critical gap in our society. While other organizations tackle several factors contributing to recidivism in the United States, non focus specifically on our unique approach to breaking the cycle of recidivism by addressing the basic need for meaningful employment for justice impacted individuals upon their release.
Our four interconnected services - Educate, Mentor, Advocate, and Support - meet the needs of justice impacted individuals throughout their reentry process. We believe that individuals who have dignity, self-respect, and economic benefits from meaningful employment can overcome roadblocks related to addiction, education, and housing and overcome the stigma associated with having been incarcerated.
There is a tremendous impact and investment in the lives of our TRP Fellows, their families, and society as a whole. TRP and our partners continue with the work to eliminate the barriers to successful reentry into society, and we would be grateful for the opportunity to partner with your company. Our services are free and all we ask is that companies be willing to consider and potentially hire hard working and loyal individuals who have graduated from our program.
As an Employment Partner we would only ask that you agree to participate as a potential employer in the TRP program and to consider hiring justice impacted individuals introduced by TRP (“TRP Fellows”) if the Employer has available job openings and the TRP Fellows meet the qualifications for such jobs. We would also ask for flexibility when working with appointments and other events that may come up in our Fellows’ days based on their supervision needs with probation and parole.
As a benefit to our employment partners, we offer a copy of the book “Untapped Talent” by Jeff Korzenik which explains the financial benefits of second chance hiring. You will also have access to our Fellows to employ. Your company's name and logo would be on our website to show that you are an Employment Partner and a true second chance employer. We will also provide you with our quarterly reentry newsletter. And finally, we will provide a six month subscription to FairChanceEmployer.com for one dollar. They help navigate the hiring of those with a record and provide the documentation and training necessary to prove compliance with the EEOC guidelines that govern this process.
The Redemption Project would be humbled to connect with your company to further discuss the amazing work that we and our partners are doing to restore families and lives.
You want to become an Employment Partner – Now What?
Below is a list of the next steps in pursuing second chance hiring as an Employment Partner with The Redemption Project.
Meet with a member of The Redemption Project team. Learn more about our program.
Read the book Untapped Talent, by Jeff Korzenik – We can have copies sent to you and those who are decision makers at your company.
Start a dialogue and gain approval and buy-in from the top down. Involve C Suite, legal, and the managers of the departments that have openings.
Discussion with direct manager, and co-workers about having a second chance co-worker.
Complete our online Employment Partner Guide.
Complete our online Employer Application.
Sign and return the Memorandum of Understanding – TRP will email this to you.
Provide The Redemption Project with job descriptions, benefits information, and salary details.
Discovery meeting with the TRP team. Answer any questions that may come up.
Common Questions - FAQ
What are the biggest misconceptions about Second chance hiring?
Second chance hiring is not charity.
Second chance hiring is not a source for cheap labor.
Second chance hiring is not a person you treat differently than other employees.
Second chance hiring offers you a hard working dedicated and loyal employee!
Additional Resources
The Redemption Project Employment Partner team is always available to answer questions. Below are additional resources for you to explore.
Second Chance Hiring Panel Video. Why Second Chance Hiring is good for business and the community.
Dwight Tostesen - CEO of The Redemption Project
Jeffrey Korzenik - Author of the book, Untapped Talent
Paul Schnell - Commission of the Minnesota Department of Corrections
Odell Wilson - Supervising U.S. Probation and Pre-trial Services Officer
Dave’s Killer Bread Playbook Video Series
SHRM (Society of Human Resource Managers) – Getting Talent Back to Work Certificate – a FREE 10-hour self-guided curriculum. Certificate | Getting Talent Back to Work
Have Questions?
Email Dave Snider dsnider@redemptionproject.org